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What is it like to live in the new normal

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What is it like to live in the new normal

Many of us have been confronted with the idea of a new normal. 2020 had all of us in the beginning – since 2019 had its fair share of ups and downs, we were all optimistic that 2020 would help us redeem ourselves from the past year. But we were all wrong – at least for now.

Read also: 2020 Long Weekends in PH (and suggestions where to go!)

Traveling in the New Normal | Turista Boy

It has been a challenging start for the Philippines. But despite these challenges, the Filipino resiliency emerged. 2020 also got all of us because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a span of 2 to 3 months or so, the world was shut down and everything was put to a halt. As a frontliner myself and as a blogger at the same time, it is but timely to convey a message of hope to everyone – no matter how hard our situations may be today.

(Read my blog entry for the World Youth Alliance here to know how to safeguard your dignity during these pressing times.)

This new normal is the least that we expect to happen, as we are adept to having plans for the year. As I am a travel blogger, all my travel plans were cancelled or moved, too. Travel goals for 2020 are definitely cancelled. But the silver lining in this pandemic is my realization that above all, health is important. Yes, the world ‘stopped spinning’ for a moment when lockdowns from several countries. This may be a wake up call for us that no matter how vulnerable we are, we can still do something to help stop the virus from spreading.

Social distancing, compressed work hours, limited open shops and restaurants are just some of the new things we should expect in the coming months until we find a cure. This new normal will teach us a lesson – to value life.

In the frontline

Working in a hospital is no joke. Especially when we were assigned to high-risk areas during or tour of duty. Uncertainty haunts me when we were there but it is our dedication to service that we must always remember. Fighting an unseen enemy is the biggest battle anyone could face.

Traveling in the New Normal | Turista Boy

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and working on night shifts are new to me, but I accepted the challenge. It is the least I can do to help anyone who is in need. Being in the public service is not easy, and will never be. But it is my contribution that counts – at least even in my own simple way.

Coping during the pandemic

Pulupandan Island Islas de Gigantes Carles Iloilo | Turista Boy

I start every day with a little prayer. This new normal is not easy to get along with. What I advise you is to look at the essence of what is happening all around – everything is happening for a reason. Why don’t you keep yourself busy? Clean the whole house while we are all on lockdown! Or learn a new skill or hobby that will make your time more worthwhile! You can also participate in outreach drives or make your own initiative! In that sense, you will divert your attention into something more productive! As I always say, this, too, shall pass. We will all overcome it!

How about you, turistas? How are you doing? Hope you are all well! See you at the crossroads!

We’re born to travel!


This story is an entry to ComCo Southeast Asia’s “Write to Ignite Blogging Project.” The initiative is a response to the need of our times, as every story comes a long way during this period of crisis. Igniting and championing the human spirit, “Write to Ignite Blog Project” aims to pull and collate powerful stories from the Philippine blogging communities to inspire the nation to rise and move forward amidst the difficult situation. This project is made possible by ComCo Southeast Asia, co-presented by Eastern Communications and sponsored by Electrolux, Jobstreet and Teleperformance.

Write to Ignite Blogging Project | Turista Boy

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7 thoughts on “What is it like to live in the new normal

  1. Mary Rae says:

    Firstly, thank you and salute to all frontliners like you! Yes, praying helps as we begin the day. I hope this will all be over soon! Take Care!!

    1. Sana nga ate that this will be over soon. Take care din po, ate! <3

  2. Kaye Leah says:

    I admire your resilience, too, as a front liner. Reading your insights on coping is an encouragement and it reassures us that we can get through this and it is very much possible to be excited and look forward to another day (and to traveling again, for sure!)

    1. Thanks, ate! It’s dangerous to work in the front line but it’s our duty to do it. Hehehe! Hope this will be over sooner!

  3. Hoping someday, everything is gonna be fine. Keep safe as always, and thank you for sharing some of your experience.

    1. Yes po! Many people and families are affected by this na! Many people lost their jobs and livelihood. What we can do now is lift each other’s spirit and morale to continue! <3

  4. Shane says:

    Thank you for sharing it’s very informative 🙂

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